The 2015 WISE Education Survey: Connecting education to the real world, focuses on how well education systems around the world are preparing students for work and what can be done to support this vital task.
It represents the views of the WISE global community of education experts – teachers, students, recent graduates, policy makers, non-profit workers and members of the private sector – who connect with WISE on education reform issues.
Numbering over 20,000 worldwide, WISE education experts are people with direct exposure to today’s education environment and who have made a demonstrated commitment to improving education in partnership with WISE.
Gallup conducted the survey online from August 6-31, 2015, completed by 1,550 WISE education experts representing 149 countries in nine major global regions. While the data are not projectable to any larger population, the results provide valuable insights from this globally and professionally diverse group of experts into how the education systems in their countries are performing in a variety of ways.
In some cases, the report includes results based on the views of experts in the nine global regions, as defined in the appendix. These regional-level findings reflect only the views of the WISE members from those regions who participated in the survey and are not necessarily reflective of other education stakeholders in those areas.