About the Project
The project is designed for roll-out in partnership with a large company such as yours, capable of offering schools across the globe something that’s big, global… but above all, educational.
It’s a resource that can be used to cultivate multiple intelligences. To explain math, science, circular economics and nature to children in an interactive, simple and entertaining way… while directly practicing sustainability.
This is what the project is all about. It’s based on a simple hybrid system that combines composting, and horticulture.
My new company, BCN-BOX, has developed the product that has the same name. It comes with a range of related services based on our knowledge of what schools need. And it’s customizable as you see fit, according to how you want to interact with your stakeholders.
We are now in a position to launch our project – the only one of its kind in the world. A project that can generate a variety of positive impacts, and based entirely on education. A dream come true…
I’m convinced your company is one of the few with the mindset and operational readiness to turn this project into an environmental revolution – whether on a small or large scale – and change the daily habits of millions of people.
And that will enable you to build a connection with schools across the globe.