About the Project
RHD has a philosophy and mission to support the education of orphans and needy children, and to build on current work toward achieving the MDGs on education and children’s rights.
RHD is a non-governmental organization started in 2010 that works with many stakeholders and has succeeded in building a structural action plan currently supporting 200 orphans and vulnerable children in gaining access to education in different institutions and children centres throughout the Nyanza region.
RHD has prioritized this project to provide school fees, school uniforms, and supplies to about 560 eligible orphans and vulnerable children from the entire Nyakach region who are in dire need of access to secondary education.
The Project is intended to address the problems of disabled, orphaned and vulnerable children in Nyakach Constituency especially in terms of educational needs and to empower their caregivers through animal husbandry. The major goal of this project is to enable and empower disabled, orphaned and vulnerable children to gain access to quality secondary, vocational and tertiary educational services through provision of school fees, scholastic materials, wheel chairs and supporting their caregivers.