ETU School

About the Project

ETU Education brings together people from different walks of life who want a different and better education – one that puts schools back to the centre of their community, one that builds on the strength and developments outside the school walls, and one that is also aimed at pushing forward education equity through technology platforms.
ETU has “one root” and many extended and connected platforms. The “root” is ETU School, which is a physical school that started with 35 students in year one aged 5-8 in Beijing in year 1, and is growing to 100 students in Beijing and Guangzhou from K-3 in year 2. ETU School is dedicated to combining the leading pedagogy from the world with China’s culturally-rich curriculum to offer a personalized education that tap into and cultivate the intrinsic motivations of the children. In this way, the school hopes to cultivate globally competent citizens that also have deep and authentic understanding of China, in an increasingly connected world.
ETU is beyond being a school. It aims to drive changes in today’s education ecosystem by breaking down walls between education and society, enabled by its technology platform that not only supports the school, but also enables online communities with more than 20,000 registered users ranging from parents to education innovators. ETU is also dedicated to addressing education inequality by meeting the education needs in poverty-stricken rural China with the social will and capital mobilized and harnessed by ETU’s online communities and networks.  


April 24, 2019 (last update 09-19-2019)