WISE@Paris convened on February 20-21 2019, in Paris, France.
At WISE@ Paris, a diverse group of thought leaders, practitioners and innovators joined to discuss and collaborated on actionable and innovative solutions in education. Over two days, WISE@ Paris gathered for thinking and shaping the learning societies of today and tomorrow.
Education Futures : Fostering Learning Societies
Day One – Explore challenges and opportunities in education throughout Paris with partner institutions : On 20 February, delegates had the opportunity to create their own learning journey across various venues in Paris by joining conversations and interactive sessions around the future of learning, organized by WISE and its partners. Their learning journey was the first step in discovering what it means to create learning societies.
Day Two – At the WISE Forum, Imagine the Education Futures through participatory and creative sessions :
On 21 February, at Palais de Tokyo, delegates were able to choose from an array of experiences and personalized learning journeys to imagine what will be the future of education. Sessions were organized around four topics: rethinking K-12 education; empowering teachers and education leaders; decrypting the future of work and cultivating global citizenship. In addition to the opening and closing plenaries, there were more than 30 sessions. Delegates were able to engage with your peers across a range of those action-oriented formats:
- Panels to reflect on challenges and solutions in education with experts
- Chats to dig deep and discuss education trends
- Workshops to immerse in interactive learning experiences
- Labs to experiment and discover first hand transforming and innovative solutions in education
- Talks to seek inspiration and insights from projects that are transforming education across the world
- Networking area to spark collaborations and share insights and expertise
More about the sessions
Learning How to Learn
Do we know how humans learn? What does failure tell us about learning? What can we do to facilitate or improve the way we learn? In this session speakers discussed what research tells us about human learning and how learning can be improved in an attempt to identify solutions and policies to optimize the learning process.
Building Active and Reflective Citizens of Tomorrow
Increasingly we find ourselves inhabiting a world that is deeply divided, uncertain and unequal. What skills, values and models will lead to a more equal and collaborative world system? This session discussed how to equip young people with the competencies to tackle global challenges and raise collective consciousness and responsibility for a sustainable world.
Rethinking Learning for an Inclusive Future of Work
The current advancements in technology are creating exciting opportunities and posing new challenges for integrating into the workforce. There is an urgent need to re-think how we learn, work and create the systems that would equip populations with the mindsets, skill sets, and toolsets for the workforce and beyond. The delegates joined the discussion and insights on how to prepare the job transitions of the future.
Developing Resilient School Leaders
Teachers and school leaders must adapt to a constantly changing world and are pressed to deliver new and broader outcomes to prepare students for an uncertain future. Leadership development has become a high priority, as effective leaders improve teacher motivation and learning outcomes. This session explored the qualities needed of leaders in order to lead change and create enabling policy environments that allow space for teachers and leaders to achieve outcomes.
Chats & Talks
Enabling Teachers to Reach Their Full Potential
Are educators’ voices too often left out of the conversation on education transformation? Informed by modern advancements in technology and cognitive sciences, this session explored the need to better understand what it takes to make educators motivated to thrive in their roles and improve learning outcomes for their students.
The Future of Learning
There are several challenges that impede effective learning at schools. As we seek a future of better learning. This session explored these challenges and identified potential new pedagogies and ways technology and entrepreneurship can be used to enhance learning.
Designers of Social Change
Get inspired by thought leaders that have designed new practices for social good after having identified a social challenge in our world of disruption. This talk series encouraged other “designers” to either join the movement and/or to initiate change in their own contexts.
Architects of Learning
How can we better prepare individuals and society for more frequent and longer job transitions? How can we ensure that increased automation contributes to the well-being of the current and future labor force and that no one is left behind? In this fast-paced talk series, where thought leaders presented daring policies, innovations and initiatives designed to transform learning and training.
Shifting Schools from Content to Connection: How to Disrupt School Design to Enable the Building of Social Capital and a Broader Future Quotient, ImBlaze and Big Picture Learning
In this interactive session, the delegates explored how we can disrupt school design to enable students to learn outside of school and build strong mentor connections. They walked away with a clear path for implementing your own internship program that leverages the power of their community.
Agile Leadership for Learning: Creating Educational Impact despite Human Complexity, Agile Schools
This workshop on agile leadership provided the delegates with an actionable framework and set of tools for realizing positive change. In this practical and solution-focused workshop, the delegates learned how to use simple and effective leadership tools to embrace an agile mindset to thrive despite uncertainty and ambiguity.
Edutainment in the Digital Era: Exploring its Purposes and Challenges, Wakatoon
This session aimed at discussing how edutainment is shaped today and its impact. The delegates also explored how to integrate edutainment in curricula to foster its usage at schools and favor the development of XXIst century skills in children.
Learning Experiences: Design Game for Global Citizenship, Eidos
Based on the Sustainable Development Goals narratives, the delegates created their own learning experiences to instruct, inspire, engage and motivate action among students, friends and peers. This session shed focus on the importance of values and pro-activeness to transform challenges into hope and action.
Hands on Activity: Teaching Climate Change at Primary and Secondary School with Office for Climate Education
In this session, the delegates experienced a “hand’s on” session on the topic of climate change and ocean. Through a series of experiments, the delegates discussed the relevance of inquiry-based pedagogy for global citizenship education and in particular for climate education.
Learn How to Learn: Yes but Why, and How?, LearnAssembly
The session explored how to develop your learning agility and lifelong learning abilities, in a fast-changing and volatile world. It aimed at helping each participant to develop self-awareness and lifelong learning through concrete ideas, actionable insights and tools, useful feedback and optimism!
Build an Experiential Learning Module with 360° Media and Virtual Reality, Uptale
Virtual Reality is an emerging technology that provides a new way of learning that is closer to reality and enables learners to practice. In this learning lab, the delegates discovered the most relevant use of VR for educational purposes and started building their own immersive experience in few steps.
Empowering “Making”: Mapping Key Practices, Tools and Resources to Cultivate a Culture of Making in Your Context, IbTECHar Digital Solutions
What is “making” in education? What makes it such a powerful tool for learner engagement? During this session, the delegates rolled-up their sleeves and experienced “making” firsthand, before collaboratively defining the resources, mindset, tools and practices required to bring “making” to their own school communities.
Networking areas
The delegates took their knowledge sharing conversations and collaborations to the next level at the dedicated networking area. The space was available to delegates all day to network and exchange ideas. The delegates could also book meetings with four innovative organizations at our meet-ups space.