The WISE Agile Leaders of Learning Innovation Network (ALL-IN) was established in 2017, as an action-oriented global community of practice of educational leadership experts – including academics, program providers, practitioners and policy makers – who research, design and advocate for high-quality school leadership policies that prepare and support school systems in educating the learners of today and the future.
Research has shown that school leadership is one of the most important influences on student learning, and thus, a critical factor for improving the life and educational outcomes of children and the broader economic conditions of nations. However, despite strong empirical evidence showing the importance of investing in school leadership, actual investment by governments and systems has declined in the last two decades. This, coupled with a seismic shift in how we think about learning and schooling in the face of an ever-changing future, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, has left many schools and systems deficient in the necessary leadership to nurture future-fit educators and learners as they navigate a path of increasing uncertainty.
ALL-IN seeks to increase the quantity of future-fit school leaders to support schools and systems in their transitions toward resilient and future-thriving learning environments that maximise learner outcomes and wellbeing, for a brighter, more equitable, and inclusive future for our children and our world.
For many, 2020 will be remembered as the greatest education crisis in living memory as lockdowns put an abrupt halt to regular in-school learning and school and system leaders, as well as teachers, parents, and students, had to rapidly switch to remote teaching. As schools cautiously reopen, what changes, if any, will the COVID-19 crisis have wrought on learners, schools, and education systems as a whole?
Following on from the three-part series – Education Disrupted, Education Reimagined – held in the midst of the crisis, Salzburg Global and WISE joined together to examine what leadership is needed to continue to navigate this difficult time and what positive changes can be embedded in schools and education systems beyond the pandemic-induced crisis.
In the midst of this crisis, as schools and systems leaders were developing and implementing rapid-response schemes at a pace and scale never seen before to help children learn remotely, important and necessary conversations were had at a global level regarding the challenges and deficits within systems themselves: The pervasive and systemic inequities that permeate our schools and our systems; the need to humanize our education approaches and recognize that learning is a deeply connected, collaborative, life-long pursuit; and the need to prioritize key competencies such as social and emotional learning and wellbeing in the quest to create resilient and future-thriving learning environments.
These conversations struck at the very core of education itself, inspiring deep and necessary reflection on the part of education stakeholders at all levels on the purpose and values that lie at the heart of schooling.
This online event will build on the success of the 2020 Education Disrupted, Education Reimagined series. We will bring together key stakeholders from education systems around the world to examine key educational challenges and priorities for the new year, with a focus on leadership – including the role of school and system leaders, as well as amplifying the voices of our youth and next generation education leaders – in supporting and influencing sustainable education reform and change making processes for holistic school improvement and equity.
This public online program is in two parts, which mirror one another but aimed at speakers and audience from different time zones.
Each part consists primarily of two panel discussions in which we will hear from experts from around the world and offer opportunity for all participants to pose questions and share links and related information via the chat function.
- Changemaker Leadership for a New Era: What do education leaders need to know in light of the uncertainty brought about by multiple, concurrent global pandemics, including public health crises, systemic social injustice, economic inequality and climate change, to be “future-literate” or lead the future of learning? What are the building blocks of “future-literate” leadership and how does that translate to different cultures and contexts
- Leading to Bridge the Equity Chasm: Schools and systems will ultimately be judged on how they reach the most vulnerable learners and COVID-19 was a stark reminder of how deep the global equity divide is. What is the role of school leaders in narrowing the education equity gap at local, national and international levels? Are there frameworks that already exist that can form the foundations of sustainable change as we enter forward in this new era?
- Amplifying Next Generation Voices in Leading Learning: A key agenda item for WISE’s educational leadership global community of practice – The Agile Leaders of Learning Innovation Network (ALL-IN) – is expanding and diversifying the conversation – including the literature – on school leadership to include more voices from underserved, developing and non-OECD countries and contexts to inform more contextually relevant leadership policies and frameworks. How can we amplify a greater diversity of voices and evidence in the leadership space? How can we ensure greater diversity and equity in the field as a whole?
This program is open to public registration.
We encourage the participation of people working in education, especially education leadership.
For many, 2020 will be remembered as the greatest education crisis in living memory as lockdowns put an abrupt halt to regular in-school learning and school and system leaders, as well as teachers, parents, and students, had to rapidly switch to remote teaching. As schools cautiously reopen, what changes, if any, will the COVID-19 crisis have wrought on learners, schools, and education systems as a whole?
Following on from the three-part series – Education Disrupted, Education Reimagined – held in the midst of the crisis, Salzburg Global and WISE will examine what leadership is needed to continue to navigate this difficult time and what positive changes can be embedded in schools and education systems beyond the pandemic-induced crisis.
In the midst of this crisis, as schools and systems leaders were developing and implementing rapid-response schemes at a pace and scale never seen before to help children learn remotely, important and necessary conversations were had at a global level regarding the challenges and deficits within systems themselves: The pervasive and systemic inequities that permeate our schools and our systems; the need to humanize our education approaches and recognize that learning is a deeply connected, collaborative, life-long pursuit; and the need to prioritize key competencies such as social and emotional learning and wellbeing in the quest to create resilient and future-thriving learning environments.
These conversations struck at the very core of education itself, inspiring deep and necessary reflection on the part of education stakeholders at all levels on the purpose and values that lie at the heart of schooling.
This online event will build on the success of the 2020 Education Disrupted, Education Reimagined series. We will bring together key stakeholders from education systems around the world to examine key educational challenges and priorities for the new year, with a focus on leadership – including the role of school and system leaders, as well as amplifying the voices of our youth and next generation education leaders – in supporting and influencing sustainable education reform and change making processes for holistic school improvement and equity.
This public online program is in two parts, which mirror one another but aimed at speakers and audience from different time zones.
Each part consists primarily of two panel discussions in which we will hear from experts from around the world and offer opportunity for all participants to pose questions and share links and related information via the chat function.
- Changemaker Leadership for a New Era: What do education leaders need to know in light of the uncertainty brought about by multiple, concurrent global pandemics, including public health crises, systemic social injustice, economic inequality and climate change, to be “future-literate” or lead the future of learning? What are the building blocks of “future-literate” leadership and how does that translate to different cultures and contexts
- Leading to Bridge the Equity Chasm: Schools and systems will ultimately be judged on how they reach the most vulnerable learners and COVID-19 was a stark reminder of how deep the global equity divide is. What is the role of school leaders in narrowing the education equity gap at local, national and international levels? Are there frameworks that already exist that can form the foundations of sustainable change as we enter forward in this new era?
- Amplifying Next Generation Voices in Leading Learning: A key agenda item for WISE’s educational leadership global community of practice – The Agile Leaders of Learning Innovation Network (ALL-IN) – is expanding and diversifying the conversation – including the literature – on school leadership to include more voices from underserved, developing and non-OECD countries and contexts to inform more contextually relevant leadership policies and frameworks. How can we amplify a greater diversity of voices and evidence in the leadership space? How can we ensure greater diversity and equity in the field as a whole?
This program is open to public registration.
We encourage the participation of people working in education, especially education leadership.
Education Reimagined: Leadership for a New Era
- 09:00-9:15: Welcome and Setting the Scene
Stavros Yiannouka, CEO, WISE, Qatar
Dominic Regester, Program Director, Salzburg Global Seminar, Austria
- 09:15-9:45: Keynote Speaker + Q&A
Keynote Speaker: Tracey Burns, Senior Analyst, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), France
Moderator: Anthony Mackay, CEO, National Center on Education and the Economy, Australia
- 09:45-10:30: Panel I: Changemaker Leadership for a New Era
Speaker: Rosie Connor, Global Director of Education, BTS Spark, Australia
Linda Kaser, Director of the Transformative Educational Leadership Program, University of British Columbia, Canada
Judy Halbert, Transformative Educational Leadership Program, University of British Columbia, Canada
Moderator: Anthony Mackay, CEO, National Center on Education and the Economy, Australia - 10:30-11:00: Break
- 11:00-11:45: Panel II: Leading to Bridge the Equity Chasm
Speakers: Jean-Pierre Mugiraneza, Lead on ‘Leadership for Learning’, Building Learning Foundations Programme, Rwanda
Livia Jesacher-Roessler, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Teacher Education and School Research, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Miron Bhowmik, Assistant Professor, Department of Education Policy and Leadership, The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK)
Barbara Ala’alatoa, Chair, Education Council of Aotearoa, New ZealandModerator: Dominic Regester, Program Director, Salzburg Global Seminar, Austria
11:45-12:30: Panel III: Amplifying Next Generation Voices in Leading Learning
Speakers: Karima Grant, Founder and Director, ImagiNation Afrika, Senegal
Babar Ali, Founder and Headmaster, Ananda Siksha Niketan, India
Hayley McQuire, National Coordinator and Co-Founder of the National Indigenous Youth Education Coalition, and Co-Chair of Learning Creates AustraliaModerator: Julia Kirby, Manager of Research, WISE, Qatar Foundation, Qatar
12:30-12:45: Closing
Asmaa Al-Fadala, Director of Research & Content Development, WISE, Qatar
18:00-18:15: Welcome and Setting the Scene
Asmaa Al-Fadala, Director of Research & Content Development, WISE, Qatar
Dominic Regester, Program Director, Salzburg Global Seminar, Austria -
18:15-18:45: Keynote Speaker + Q&A
Keynote Speaker: Michael Fullan, Global Leadership Director, New Pedagogies for Deep Learning, Canada
Moderator: Anthony Mackay, CEO, National Center on Education and the Economy, Australia -
18:45-19:30: Panel I: Changemaker Leadership for a New Era
Speakers: Valerie Hannon, Board Director & Co-founder, Innovation Unit, United Kingdom
Adenike Akinsemolu, Founder, The Green Institute, Nigeria
Glenn Cantave, Founder and CEO, Movers & Shakers NYC, USA
Steve Munby, Visiting Professor, University College London, Center for Education Leadership, United Kingdom
Moderator: Anthony Mackay, CEO, National Center on Education and the Economy, Australia - 19:30-20:00: Break
20:00-20:45: Panel II: Leading to Bridge the Equity Chasm
Speakers: Anthony Jackson, Director, Global Center for Education, The Asia Society, USA
Leah Myers Bitat, Country Representative, World Learning, Inc, Algeria
Nedgine Paul Deroly, Co-founder and CEO, Anseye Pou Ayiti, Haiti
Moderator: Dominic Regester, Program Director, Salzburg Global Seminar, Austria -
20:45- 21:30: Panel III: Amplifying Next Generation Voices in Leading Learning
Speakers: Erica Butow, CEO and Founder, Ensina Brazil
Roxy Pirnia, National Program Director, High Resolves, USA
Cecilia de la Paz, Founder and General Director, Edúcate Uruguay
Moderator: Susan Douglas, Senior Education Advisor, The British Council, United Kingdom -
21:30-21:45: Closing
Asmaa Al-Fadala, Director of Research & Content Development, WISE, Qatar
- 09:00-9:15: Welcome and Setting the Scene
Stavros Yiannouka, CEO, WISE, Qatar
Dominic Regester, Program Director, Salzburg Global Seminar, Austria - 09:15-9:45: Keynote Speaker + Q&A
Keynote Speaker: Tracey Burns, Senior Analyst, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), France
Moderator: Anthony Mackay, CEO, National Center on Education and the Economy, Australia
- 09:45-10:30: Panel I: Changemaker Leadership for a New Era
Speaker: Rosie Connor, Global Director of Education, BTS Spark, Australia
Linda Kaser, Director of the Transformative Educational Leadership Program, University of British Columbia, Canada
Judy Halbert, Transformative Educational Leadership Program, University of British Colombia, Canada
Moderator: Anthony Mackay, CEO, National Center on Education and the Economy, Australia - 10:30-11:00: Break
- 11:00-11:45: Panel II: Leading to Bridge the Equity Chasm
Moderator: Dominic Regester, Program Director, Salzburg Global Seminar, Austria
Speakers: Jean-Pierre Mugiraneza, Lead on ‘Leadership for Learning’, Building Learning Foundations Programme, Rwanda
Livia Jesacher-Roessler, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Teacher Education and School Research, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Miron Bhowmik, Assistant Professor, Department of Education Policy and Leadership, The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK)
Barbara Ala’alatoa, Chair, Education Council of Aotearoa, New Zealand -
11:45-12:30: Panel III: Amplifying Next Generation Voices in Leading Learning
Speakers: Karima Grant, Founder and Director, ImagiNation Afrika, Senegal
Babar Ali, Founder and Headmaster, Ananda Siksha Niketan, India
Hayley McQuire, National Coordinator and Co-Founder of the National Indigenous Youth Education Coalition, and Co-Chair of Learning Creates Australia
Moderator: Julia Kirby, Manager of Research, WISE, Qatar Foundation, Qatar -
12:30-12:45: Closing
Asmaa Al-Fadala, Director of Research & Content Development, WISE, Qatar
18:00-18:15: Welcome and Setting the Scene
Asmaa Al-Fadala, Director of Research & Content Development, WISE, Qatar
Dominic Regester, Program Director, Salzburg Global Seminar, Austria -
18:15-18:45: Keynote Speaker + Q&A
Keynote Speaker: Michael Fullan, Global Leadership Director, New Pedagogies for Deep Learning, Canada
Moderator: Anthony Mackay, CEO, National Center on Education and the Economy, Australia -
18:45-19:30: Panel I: Changemaker Leadership for a New Era
Speakers: Valerie Hannon, Board Director & Co-founder, Innovation Unit, United Kingdom
Adenike Akinsemolu, Founder, The Green Institute, Nigeria
Glenn Cantave, Founder and CEO, Movers & Shakers NYC, USA
Steve Munby, Visiting Professor, University College London, Center for Education Leadership, United Kingdom
Moderator: Anthony Mackay, CEO, National Center on Education and the Economy, Australia - 19:30-20:00: Break
20:00-20:45: Panel II: Leading to Bridge the Equity Chasm
Speakers: Anthony Jackson, Director, Global Center for Education, The Asia Society, USA
Leah Myers Bitat, Country Representative, World Learning, Inc, Algeria
Nedgine Paul Deroly, Co-founder and CEO, Anseye Pou Ayiti, Haiti
Moderator: Dominic Regester, Program Director, Salzburg Global Seminar, Austria -
20:45- 21:30: Panel III: Amplifying Next Generation Voices in Leading Learning
Speakers: Erica Butow, CEO and Founder, Ensina Brazil
Roxy Pirnia, National Program Director, High Resolves, USA
Cecilia de la Paz, Founder and General Director, Edúcate Uruguay
Moderator: Susan Douglas, Senior Education Advisor, The British Council, United Kingdom -
21:30-21:45: Closing
Asmaa Al-Fadala, Director of Research & Content Development, WISE, Qatar