The WISE Agile Leaders of Learning Innovation Network (ALL-IN) was established in 2017, as an action-oriented global community of practice of educational leadership experts – including academics, program providers, practitioners and policy makers – who research, design and advocate for high-quality school leadership policies that prepare and support school systems in educating the learners of today and the future.
Research has shown that school leadership is one of the most important influences on student learning, and thus, a critical factor for improving the life and educational outcomes of children and the broader economic conditions of nations. However, despite strong empirical evidence showing the importance of investing in school leadership, actual investment by governments and systems has declined in the last two decades. This, coupled with a seismic shift in how we think about learning and schooling in the face of an ever-changing future, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, has left many schools and systems deficient in the necessary leadership to nurture future-fit educators and learners as they navigate a path of increasing uncertainty.
ALL-IN seeks to increase the quantity of future-fit school leaders to support schools and systems in their transitions toward resilient and future-thriving learning environments that maximise learner outcomes and wellbeing, for a brighter, more equitable, and inclusive future for our children and our world.