Zyad Limam
Founder & Director, Afrique Magazine
France, Tunisia

Zyad Limam is a Franco-Tunisian publisher. With more than 25 years of journalistic experience and entrepreneurial endeavours, he has built a strong knowledge over Africa issues and international matters.
Zyad Limam heads up AM International, an independent media company based in Paris. AM International publishes AM – Afrique Magazine along with www.afriquemagazine.com. Zyad Limam is also a regular guest and contributor on a number of French television channels (France 24, TV5, Arte, etc.).
Zyad Limam was born in Tunis on 8 April 1963. He has a bachelor degree in law and political science from the Université de Paris II and a Master degree of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown University (Washington, D.C.).