Zabihullah Ghazawi
Member of INEE and Director General, Community Action for Healing Poverty

Mr. Zabihullah Ghazawi is the founder and Executive Director of “Community Action for Healing Poverty Organization (CAHPO)”, which implements various programs including educational projects in Afghanistan. His educational background is Economic Studies and a master’s degree in Conflict-logy and peacebuilding from UNITAR. He has worked for many national and international organizations for more than 20 years in a variety of key roles including education manager, and gained extensive experience in the humanitarian field. Education in Emergencies is his area of expertise. He believes that among all aids, educational support is the most important component that can change the situation and lead the community and the country to stability and resilience.He is involved in the implementation of the education project in Jawzjan, which CAHPO is currently carrying out and is working closely with parents and school children to attend school.