Prof. Yin Cheong Cheng
Vice President (Research and Development) and Chair Professor of Leadership and Change of The Hong Kong Institute of Education

Professor Yin Cheong Cheng (Ed.D., Harvard) is the Vice-President (Research and Development) and Chair Professor of Leadership and Change of the Hong Kong Institute of Education. He is also the President-elect of the World Educational Research Association (WERA) (2012-2014) and the past-President (2004-2008) of the Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA). He serves as the Chairman of the Tin Ka Ping Foundation’s advisory board and a panel advisor to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Previously he was a full member of the University Grants Committee, a panel member of the Research Grants Council, and a member of the Quality Education Fund Steering Committee of the Hong Kong SAR Government.
He has had extensive experiences in both education and research. His research is mainly on education reforms, leadership, paradigm shift and teacher education. He has published 20 academic books and over 200 articles regionally and internationally. Some of his publications have been translated into Chinese, Hebrew, Korean, Spanish, Czech, Thai and Persian. Among his publications, New Paradigm for Re-engineering Education: Globalization, Localization and Individualization (Springer, 2005) and School Effectiveness and School-Based Management: A Mechanism for Development (Falmer, 1996) are world-renowned books in educational reforms. He was the Editor in Chief of the Asia Pacific Journal of Teacher Education and Development (1998-2003). He is at present serving on the advisory boards of 17 international journals.
Professor Cheng’s research has won him a number of international awards and recognition including the Awards for Excellence from the Literati Network in the UK between 1994 and 2008. He has been invited to provide consultancy services to national and international projects in different parts of the world and give over 90 keynote/plenary presentations by national and international organizations such as APEC, UNESCO, UNICEF, ICER, ICSEI, APERA, IBO, Ford Foundation, World Bank, and SEAMEO RIHED etc.