Dr. Yero Baldeh
Lead Policy Advisor for the Vice Presidency of Sector Operations of African Development Bank, Lead Policy Advisor for the Vice Presidency of Sector Operations of Save the Children
Dr. Yero Baldeh is a Lead Policy Adviser to the Vice President for Sector Operations at the African Development Bank. The Vice Presidency oversees several departments and units delivering support to regional member countries in the areas of human development (health, education, social protection); economic and financial governance; financial sector development; agriculture and agro-industry development; and fragile states. He advises the Vice President on policies related to these areas in addition to issues relating to partnerships and aid effectiveness. Prior to this position, Dr. Baldeh served in the Bank as a Chief Socio-Economist responsible for task managing several inclusive growth and social protection related projects within the Bank’s Human Development Department. In addition to his project management functions, he undertook evidence-based analytic work over the years such as being the Bank’s focal point on the 2007/08 flagship Joint OECD/ADB African Economic Outlook publication on the theme: Technical and Vocational Skills Development in Africa.
Before he joined the Bank in 2004, Dr. Baldeh was the head of a national agency in The Gambia responsible for implementing multi-donor funded institutional support, entrepreneurship, skills and social development programs geared towards poverty reduction and job creation. He also had a brief stint as a senior lecturer at the University of Central Lancashire, UK, where he provided e-learning teaching support to postgraduate students. Dr. Baldeh obtained his Ph.D. in the area of information support for decentralized planning and management from the University of Central Lancashire, UK, in 1997.