Tom Bentley
Deputy Chief of Staff of Office of the Prime Minister Julia Gillard

Tom Bentley is Deputy Chief of Staff for the Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard, where he is responsible for long term policy planning and implementation.
He is a past Director of Demos, an independent think tank based in London. He has also worked as a policy adviser to David Blunkett, UK Minister for Education and Employment, as a senior consultant for the OECD and as Director of Applied Learning at ANZSOG, the Australia and New Zealand School of Government.
His publications include
Learning Beyond the Classroom: education for a changing world (Routledge, 1998)
The Creative Age: knowledge and skills for the 21st century (Demos, 1999)
The Adaptive State: strategies for personalising the public realm (Demos, 2003)
And a chapter in the Second International Handbook of Educational Change,
Hargreaves, A.; Lieberman, A.; Fullan, M.; Hopkins, D. (Eds.) 2009