Suad Alhawashi
Managing Director of Education Zone
United Arab Emirates

Suad Alhalwachi has established Education Zone in march 2003, the company received its accreditation from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and became very active in promoting New Zealand Education Systems in all gulf countries. Since 2005 the company has begun to send students to all parts of the world.
Before becoming the managing director of Education Zone, Suad worked as the Finance and Planning Manager for Waikato Institute of Technology in New Zealand. Suad had also worked as Head of Financial accounts for Dubai Aluminium Company, the largest aluminium smelter in the Middle East for over 18 years. She is now an adjunct lecturer in accounting at the higher colleges of technology.
Suad is married with three children. She lives by several mottos that have become the driving force and the main aim of her everyday life and work: “Creating a knowledge Society” and “Education Birth to death”, “Eradicate poverty by education”, “Art changes the world” and last but not least “Closing the gap between K12 and higher education”. She would like to make every member of a household a carrier of a degree.
Suad aspires to make her company a leader in education consultancy in the whole Gulf area. Certainly, the company has already gained recognition by most Ministries of higher education in the gulf.
Suad loves reading and writing in variety of fields mainly in education and is in the process of writing a book on Career Choices.