Sophie Viger

Managing Director, 42


Sophie has been passionate about geek culture since early childhood. She was one of the first role-playing gamers in France in 1981 and that same year, at the age of 7, she was offered a ZX-81. At the age of 10, she learned the BASIC programming language at school and became passionate about all kinds of games (video, board, puzzles, etc.) as well as the worlds of science fiction and heroic fantasy. She is very involved in social issues, and is a member of several NGOs.

A strong supporter of project-based pedagogy, Sophie has been an independent developer and professor of computer programming, the director of the Web@cadémie, the Samsung Campus and the Coding Academy by Epitech. In 2016, she founded one of the first courses in IT development, “Female Ambition”, which is made up of 80% women. She is also a director of #JamaisSansElles (#NeverWithoutHer).

It was therefore obvious for her to join 42 in 2018, as she highlights not only the technical skills of the 42 students, but also exceptional qualities sought today such as ethics, critical thinking, creativity and empathy.