Mr. Soorya KN
Director, Edutel

An alumnus of SDM College of Engineering, Dharwad, Soorya embarked on his entrepreneurial journey with the clear idea of ‘making things work’ in the area of education, especially for underprivileged students from rural areas. As Edutel’s Director, Soorya has spearheaded the exponential growth of Edutel Technologies right from its start in 2010.
He has a strong focus on evolving and strengthening strategic partnerships with various agencies in the government sector, to understand requirements and offer workable solutions. Being rooted in the present and envisioning the many demands that the future is likely to hold, Soorya proactively adapts Edutel’s delivery model to ensure that the objectives are met in an optimal fashion, armed as he is with a deep understanding of the education sector and a keen business sense.
Soorya’s personal mandate for Edutel is that it evolves into the next generation as an edutechnology provider focused on empowering rural India and on creating a skilled workforce admired globally.