Rosie Connor
Global Director of Education, BTS Spark

Motivated by a passion for supporting teachers and school leaders to do their best work, Rosie brings over twenty years’ experience working in education leadership.
As Chief Executive of one of Tony Blair’s Education Action Zones in the UK, her leadership was described by independent inspectors as ‘outstanding’; the Zone was nominated by England’s Department of Education as a national flagship.
She also worked as a consultant for several years, both with the UK’s National College for School Leadership and the Innovation Unit, supporting Principals to form successful network learning communities and pioneering ‘next practice’ models of systems leadership.
Emigrating to Australia, Rosie worked with AITSL to lead the launch of the Australian Professional Principal Standard across all States and Territories.
Over the last several years, Rosie has spearheaded BTS Spark’s innovative work in developing education leaders. She has partnered with education departments and professional associations across three continents to pioneer coaching and workshop programs, targeting a wide range of education professionals. She has developed programs to support the full range of teachers (from early career teachers to lead teachers), pioneered leadership coaching for principals and directors/superintendents, and grown BTS Spark into a major not-for-profit initiative dedicated to supporting school leaders to do their best work.