Robert Hawkins
Senior Education and Technology Policy Specialist & Global Lead for Technology and Innovation in Education, World Bank
United States of America

Robert Hawkins is the World Bank’s Senior Education & Technology Policy Specialist and Global Lead for Technology and Innovation in Education, working on issues at the intersection of technology use and education in middle- and low-income countries and emerging markets around the world. At a practical level, Bob provides advice and technical assistance to governments seeking innovative ways to improve teaching and learning in the classroom and strategic advice on improvement of education systems and management.
A core member of the World Bank’s global edtech team, Bob co-leads the World Bank’s Global Solutions Group on Technology and Innovation in Education (with Mike Trucano), which involves coordination and support to a network of 25 EdTech Fellows in each of the Bank’s six regions; strategic support to Bank management and clients; development of new knowledge products and capacity building activities; engagement with external partners; and development of frontier knowledge in areas such as digital infrastructure and blockchain technologies.