Mr. Ramin Farhangi
Co-Founder, Ecole Dynamique

After 3 years of consulting for the Boston Consulting Group, Ramin realizes that his true calling is in education. Since he was the child who admired his 4th grade teacher, he dreamed of becoming such an adult who would help children grow into independent and happy adults.
He decides to take a regular Math teaching job, convinced that he would be one of these rare teachers who will inspire his students and be remembered for life. After a few years practicing this noble and complicated profession, he gets to the conclusion that the actual design of school is an issue (curricula, timetables, age groups, classrooms…).
Inspired by Ken Robinson, he realizes that only a very small minority of children can thrive at school: only those who enjoy studying academic disciplines. Searching for radical alternatives, he discovers democratic schools, and more specifically Sudbury Valley School, where children are completely free to live their own lives.
Ramin is the cofounder of Ecole Dynamique (2015, Paris) based on the Sudbury concept, and the cofounder of EUDEC France, a network of now 19 democratic schools and 45 projects. His TED Talk reaches beyond 200 000 views.