Peter Smolianov
Professor, Salem State University

Peter Smolianov, PhD, Professor. Educated in Australia, USA and USSR. Provided business analysis and strategic planning as an internal and external consultant to corporations as well as governmental and sporting organizations. Has 110 publications and conference presentations in 22 countries across Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, North and South Americas, including the book published by Routledge used for teaching at universities – Sport Development in the United States: High Performance and Mass Participation; as well as chapters in other books used for teaching – Managing High Performance Sport; Sport Governance: An International Case Study Perspective; The Mass Sports Participation Legacy: Examining the Role of the Olympic Games in Growing Mass Sports Participation; The Use of Technology in Sport; and International Sport Management. The latest book, Fringe Methodologies in High Performance and Health, explores realms of achieving excellence beyond the comfort zones of most readers.