Musarrat Maisha Reza
Representative, Global Students Forum and Chairperson of the Commonwealth Students’ Association

Dr Musarrat Maisha Reza has been installed by the Secretary General, the Rt. Hon Patricia Scotland QC as the Chairperson of the Commonwealth Students’ Association since 2018, working to unify and represent the needs and aspirations of national student councils and student organizations across the Commonwealth. Appointed to the Founding Board of Trustees of the 100 Million Campaign, she advocates for a world where all young people are free, safe and educated. She has also been nominated as an ASEAN Youth Fellow, into a network of next generation leaders, who will influence and inspire youth to take the ASEAN community forward as a strong and unified entity. Most recently (2021), Dr Reza has been appointed as a Youth Representative on the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report Advisory Board. Dr Reza works in academia and is a lecturer in Biomedical Sciences and the Race Equality Resource Officer at the College of Medicine and Health at University of Exeter. She received her PhD from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 2017. In her academic leadership journey, she has garnered well-rounded expertise while leading ethnic minority networks, advising strategies on boards and writing policies for new academic programmes aligned with equality, diversity and inclusion in order to facilitate ethnic minority student retention, progression and sense of belonging. Outside academia, she remains stalwart in her advocacy for youth rights and participation in decision making.