Ms Hardie Mignon
Managing Trustee of Headquarters: South Africa
South Africa

Mignon Hardie has previously managed a number of start-up enterprises, taking several to acquisition stage. She is passionate about development work and keen to use her business acumen to benefit South African society and address structural inequalities. She currently heads the FunDza Literacy Trust, a nonprofit organization dedicated to getting South African youth reading. She is a Director of Cover2Cover Books, a niche-market publishing company, and consults for various small businesses and social enterprises. She has also volunteered as a mentor to entrepreneurs participating in the University of Stellenbosch's Small Business Academy. Ms Hardie has a BA in English and Economics from the University of Cape Town and an MBA (cum laude) from the University of Stellenbosch Business School. She was awarded an Old Mutual Gold Medal and was shortlisted for the prestigious AMBA International MBA Student of 2011 Award. In recognition for her work with FunDza, she was selected as a finalist in the AMBA Entrepreneurial Venture Award 2013.