Mr. Mhammed Abbad Andaloussi

Chairman and CEO of Injaz Al Maghrib


Mr Mhammed Abbad Andaloussi, a former Moroccan banker, has been working for a Attijariwafa  bank for 34 years. 

Concerned by the development of his country, he works to improve the quality of education in his country through the mobilization and the involvement of  businesses and to move them beyond charity or philanthropy to a true engagement in school management and in stimulating entrepreneurial spirit of youth. 

In 1999, he launched the NGO “Al Jisr" meaning the bridge that mobilizes businesses to adopt schools in order to upgrade the quality of their education through financial and technical contributions.  So far, 300 schools have been adopted.

In 2007, he also launched “Injaz Al Maghrib” to implement Junior Achievement programs in secondary schools. He succeeded in involving fifty large companies in the board of this NGO, providing volunteers to deliver programs on entrepreneurship; financial literacy and life skills.

Mr Andaloussi  has big ambitions for his country. He hopes to reach 1000 schools adopted by businesses across Morocco and to train 100,000 youth  on entrepreneurship, fiancial litteracy and life skills by 2015.

Ashoka fellow, Synergos Senior fellow, member of the  Moroccan High Council of Education, he won “ the Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2010 Award for MENA conferred by Schwab Foundation and the World Economic Forum.

In 2010, the President Clinton considered that Mr Andaloussi project, could be a model for the Arab World and perhaps for the USA.

On 2011, He won a Clinton Global Citizen Award.