Marcia L. Dyson
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Women's Global Initiative
United States of America

Marcia L. Dyson, a respected civic-social activists and communication specialist. She is the President Dyson Global Associates, national and international consultant enterprises in matters of business development, marketing, political strategies and social engagement. And, she is the founder and CEO of Women’s Global Initiative, a for-profit entity to enhance the lives of women via wealth, education for “profitable and purposeful engagement.”
She is a former, Dyson is on boards of many non-profits dealing with education including The Culturfied Foundation, whose mission is to foster cross-cultural understanding, exposing participants to the traditions and rich cultural heritage of many nations via International Children’s Festival. And, the National CARES Mentoring Movement, a pioneering community-galvanizing movement dedicated to alleviating intergenerational poverty among African Americans.
Dyson is a writer, speaker and working on two books “The World at My Door: Practicing Cultural Diplomacy” and “Irreverent: A Memoir”.