Linya Peng
Social media creator & Influencer

Linya is currently an economics student at the University of Cambridge. Since she started at university, she began vlogging her journey there, sharing her daily life, study tips and views on interesting affairs as well as motivating and empowering students to follow their dreams. She has now amassed over 1 million followers across social media. During lockdown, Linya started a live ‘study with me’ initiative so that her fans could work with her to overcome the sense of isolation and loneliness. The number of people who studied along her live-streaming reached a staggering 280,000 students.
Linya is the founder & CEO of 2 startups, ‘Bubbli UP’ & ‘StudySpace Global’. Ultimately, Linya wants to combine entrepreneurship and education to create maximum social impact to tackle education inequality.