Kara Gardner
Minerva Project
Associate Dean of Partnership Teaching and Learning
Kara Gardner earned a music and humanities Ph.D. from Stanford University, then taught in Stanford’s Introduction to the Humanities Program. Before joining the Minerva schools in 2013, she led seminars in music and dance history at the University of San Francisco and the San Francisco Conservatory of music. She won an award for innovative pedagogy at USF in 2008. Her book Agnes de Mille: Telling Stories in Broadway Dance (Oxford University Press, 2016) won the 2017 Kurt Weill Book Prize. She joined Minerva in 2013 and now serves as Associate Dean of Partnership Teaching and Learning.
Author of Agnes de Mille: Telling Stories in Broadway Dance (2016), winner of the 2017 Kurt Weill Book Prize. Board member, Broadway Legacies Series.
Kara Gardner, Ph.D.