Hosni Zaouali
CEO, Tech-Adaptika
Education Consultant, Stanford University

Hosni’s childhood was charged with violence and confusion. Losing his parents at a young age, his time was split between a small village in North Africa and a low-income area in France, he struggled at school. His inability to express himself in either French or Arabic along with a violent neighbourhood and home life, led him to become a violent child.
With difficulty, he caught up in school, learned how to correctly speak French, Arabic, Spanish and English. He earned engineering and business degrees in France, and an MBA in International Development in Canada and a leadership certificate at Stanford University. Armed with his education, he was in a better position to discover and contribute to the world at large. He has since built an amazing Ed-Tech company – Tech-AdaptiKa and he now facilitates 2 courses at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.