Hector Swazi
Project Manager,Zambia Open Community Schools

Hector Swazi is a Project Manager who helps provide access to education for out of school children in Zambia. An MA Ed. graduate from Michigan State University, Hector has previously coordinated an EU funded project called Empowering Community School In-service Teachers through Education (ECSITE), under VVOB, from 2013 – 2015. Its focus was to improve quality of teaching and learning in Community Schools through capacity building for volunteer teachers and improvement of learning environments.
Hector has also served at Chlimbana University in Zambia in different positions, including Vice Principal (2011) and Head of the Distance Education Department (2005 – 2013). As Head of Distance Education Department, Hector coordinated in-service teachers’ development programmes for primary school teachers as well as teacher educators through lectures in Education colleges throughout the country.
During the implementation of IFERB projects, Hector provided technical support to district teams, including teachers and parents.