Fernando Leon Garcia
President, CETYS University System & International Association of University

Dr. Leon-Garcia is President of the International Association of University President (IAUP) for 2021-2024. He has also been President of CETYS University since 2010, leading the institution to accreditation in the USA (WASC, ACBSP, ABET) and one of the most internationalized universities in Mexico. Prior to that, he served as Chancellor of City University of Seattle‘s International Division, with a presence across the Americas, Europe and Asia. He currently serves or has served on boards and/or advisory groups: AGB, WASC, Universia-Mexico, FIMPES, ANUIES, HACU, CIGE-ACE, CASE, CONAHEC, and NAFSA. Dr. León-García holds a doctoral degree in Educational Administration and Policy Analysis and an M.A. in International Development Education from Stanford University, as well as a B.S. in Industrial Engineering from CETYS University.