Deborah Kimathi
Executive Director, Dignitas
United Kingdom

Deborah has led Dignitas’ strategic growth since late 2017, leveraging insight and skills honed as a senior development professional, with 19 years’ experience in the fields of education and child protection in East Africa. As well as overseeing significant organizational growth, Deborah has rallied a global conversation on the role of School Leaders as agents of change, particularly for underserved communities. Dignitas was honored to win a WISE Award in 2020, and was listed in the HundrED Global Collection 2020, 2021 and 2022. In 2021, the World Bank, HundrED and GPE listed Dignitas as one of the world’s top ten education innovations utilising technology for teacher professional development. Deborah is also the Country Lead of RELI Africa (Kenya), a member driven organisation bringing together 70 education actors from across East Africa, all focused on improving learning outcomes for children furthest behind. Deborah is also Founder and Trustee of Raising Futures Kenya, an award winning training program for out-of school youth, based in Nairobi.