Christine W. Low
Founder of Matènwa Community Learning Center
Christine W. Low earned her BA in Psychology from Vassar College and her MEd in Creative Arts and Elementary Education from Lesley College. She worked in the Cambridge Public Schools for 10 years. From 1995 to 2001 she was APPLAG’s literacy staff developer. Critical pedagogy guides her work in Haiti. She advocates for the creation of Creole educational books, standing up for the efficacy of the Creole language.
In 1996 Low and Sauveur co-founded the Matènwa Community Learning Center. They committed to offering students an education in their native Creole in an engaging atmosphere of learning and mutual respect. They co-directed MCLC until 2010. Presently, Low is Executive Director of Friends of Matènwa, Inc. and Sauveur is Director of MCLC Outreach Programs.