Dr. Christine (Crissy) Gayagas
Regional Program Lead for the Indo-Pacific as part of the Advising and Consulting Division at the Institute for Security Governance

Crissy Gayagas is an Indo-Pacific regional program lead focused on advising partner nations and building institutional capacity. Previously, she was a visiting scholar at the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies. She has served as a President and owner of three consulting companies and sold her first company in 2014. Crissy also served on the Queens Health Systems and Oahu Economic Development boards, and currently volunteers as an advisor for the Dean of the UH Medical School, a Native Hawaiian non-profit, and is a Governor for Chaminade University. She is a retired U.S. Army Colonel and deployed twice to Iraq. She earned her Bachelor of Science from West Point, a Master of Science in Logistics Management from the Florida Institute of Technology, a Master of Arts in Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College, and a Doctorate of Education from the University of Southern California.