Bediz Büke İren Yıldızca

Education Programmes Coordinator, Maya Vakfı


Ms. İren Yıldızca is currently working as the Education Programmes Coordinator at Maya Vakfı. After completing her undergraduate education in Sociology, she studied Social Policy and had her MA degree in Ethnic and Migration Studies in Sweden. She wrote her dissertation on Migrant Child Labour in Turkey: A critical analysis of multilevel governance targeting migrant child labour in Turkey. She has deep knowledge on child rights, child labour, human rights, multilateral governance of migration, and its effects on the global labour markets. In parallel, she also has experience in social research and social impact assessment. She spent most of her professional life working on child rights, social cohesion, specifically on right to education and out of school children. Before joining Maya Vakfı, she worked for four years at UNICEF TCO as Education Officer, where her area of focus was increasing access to formal education for Syrian Children UTP in Turkey.