Mr. Ali Mnif
Country Manager of Silatech in Tunisia

Ali Mnif is the country manager of Silatech in Tunisia, an initiative engaging the public, private and civil society sectors to promote large-scale job creation, entrepreneurship and access to capital and markets, and the participation and engagement of young people in economic and social development. He is the founder of MAZAM, an agency specialized in event creation and project management. The company manages entrepreneurship-related projects for foreign institutions and NGOs, this includes the 2012 Maghreb Start-up Initiative, a Maghreb-wide start-up competition, and the company manages currently UNIVENTURE, a scientific spin-off program implemented by Wiki Start-up. Every year, MAZAM, Carthage Business Angels and others organize the Alternative Finance Seminar. In 2013, he co-founded G-DICE, a creative advertising agency. In the last 3 years, G-DICE worked on the promotion different brands such as Cosmitto, EO Data Center, Remax… Ali is an active AIESEC alumnus and co-director at the Founder Institute's chapter in Tunis.