Mr. Alejandro J. Ganimian

Doctoral student in Quantitative Policy Analysis in Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education


Alejandro J. Ganimian is a doctoral student in quantitative policy analysis in education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a doctoral fellow in the multidisciplinary program in inequality and social policy at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.

He has worked for Mexicanos Primero, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Bank and the Partnership for Educational Revitalization in the Americas. 

He is the co-founder of Enseñá por Argentina (EpA), an effort to recruit the country’s best and brightest college graduates to teach in schools serving the poor for at least two years, and of Educar y Crecer (EyC), an initiative that offers remedial education in math and reading to children in slums in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He serves in the Advisory Board of Proyecto Educar 2050, an organization that advocates for quality education in Argentina.