Agustina Cavanagh
Executive Director, Cimientos

Since 2005, Agustina Cavanagh has been Executive Director of Cimientos, an Argentinian non-profit organization that works to improve educational access, permanence, and quality in education for children from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. In 2010 she became Senior Fellow of Synergos, an international network of distinguished civil society leaders addressing poverty and inequity. Launched in 1999, the current cadre of 110 Fellows comes from more than 30 countries. She is also on the Executive Committee of RACI, Red Argentina para la Cooperación Internacional, a network of more than 100 non-profit organizations that work in Argentina.
Ms Cavanagh has extensive experience in coordinating cultural and educational programs. She worked for four years as Programs Director in Fundación Arte Viva, developing programs that enable school teachers and museum educators to provide cultural experiences and develop critical thinking abilities for students within schools of low cultural access and resources. She also coordinated the first steps of the Museo de Arte Precolombino e Indígena in Montevideo, Uruguay, and worked for six years in the Education Department of the National Museum of Decorative Arts in Buenos Aires, developing communication strategies for the museum’s heritage, guiding tours for the general public and schools, and leading art workshops.
Ms Cavanagh is a Fulbright alumna. She has a degree in Fine Arts from the Prilidiano Pueyrredon Arts School, the national art school in Buenos Aires, and a Master’s in Visual Arts Administration from New York University, New York, USA.