Dr. Adnan El-Amine
Professor of Education of Lebanese Association for Educational Studies (LAES)

Adnan El Amine, PhD, graduated from Lebanese University (1971), he obtained his doctorate in sociology of education from Sorbonne University-Paris in 1977. He was Full Professor at Lebanese University until 2008, when he resigned. He is at present a full time consultant of Higher education at UNESCO office in Beirut. His first series of research focused on sociology of education in Lebanon and the Arab countries, dealing with topics such as social inequality of educational opportunities, ideological functions of school, and students’ orientations. After a Fulbright grant to USA in 1993, he started giving more attention to higher education issues and in 2000 he published, with a group of colleagues, a “white report” on reforming Lebanese university, which caused a large debate in the media. In 2005 Dr. El Amine, supported by a second Fulbright grant, undertook a visit to the USA to study the accreditation system. In 2006 he was commissioned by UNESCO office in Beirut to conduct a feasibility study on quality assurance in the Arab country. During 2010-2011 he was involved (with a group of colleagues) in the elaboration of draft law on establishing national quality assurance in Lebanon, and in a UNESCO project to establish a regional agency of quality assurance of programs of higher education in the Arab countries. In addition, he was the coordinator of a regional pilot study on the classification of higher education institutions in the Arab countries in collaboration with International Institute of Education (USA). Dr ElAmine is among the founders of the Lebanese Association of Educational Studies (an NGO), the Arab Educational Information Network (Shamaa), and he is the author of 19 books and more than 30 papers in Lebanese, Arab and International journals.