Agile Leaders of Learning Innovation Network (ALL-IN)
ALL-IN Community Spotlight
Highlighting the Ta’theer Leadership Development Program in Lebanon
In 2019 WISE ALL-IN supported field-based case studies of school leadership practice and development in five non-OECD countries, including Lebanon, India, Kenya, South Africa, and Morocco. Through these case studies, WISE ALL-IN sought to add to the scarce body of evidence on leadership practices and development within non-OECD countries. We are pleased to present one of these case studies spotlighting our analysis of the Ta’theer program in Lebanon on our website.
Strengthening Instructional Leadership in Rwanda:
A Collaborative Effort
Since 2016, VVOB – education for development, an active member of the WISE ALL-IN community, has been working with REB and the University of Rwanda – College of Education (UR-CE) to capacitate school leaders as instructional leaders.
The WISE Agile Leaders of Learning Innovation Network (ALL-IN) was estalished in 2017 as a global community of practice for educational leadership experts that research, design, and advocate for high quality school leadership policies that prepare and support school systems in educating the learners of today and the future.
Research has shown that school leadership is one of the most important influences on student learning, and thus, a critical factor for improving the life and educational outcomes of children and the broader economic conditions of nations (1). However, despite strong empirical evidence showing the importance of investing in school leadership, actual investment by governments and systems has declined in the last two decades (2). This, coupled with a seismic shift in how we think about learning and schooling in the face of an ever changing future, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, has left many schools and systems deficient of the necessary leadership needed to nurture future-fit educators and learners as they navigate a path of increasing uncertainty.
(1) Pont, B. A literature review of school leadership policy reforms. Eur J Educ. 2020; 55: 154– 168.
(2) Pont, B., D. Nusche and H. Moorman (2008), Improving School Leadership, Volume 1: Policy and Practice, OECD Publishing, Paris.
ALL-IN seeks to increase the quantity of future-fit school leaders to support schools and systems in their transitions toward resilient and future-thriving learning environments that maximize learner outcomes and well-being for a brighter, more equitable, and inclusive future for our children and our world.
ALL-IN is an action-oriented global community of practice of education leadership experts – including program providers, academics, practitioners and policymakers – that support and enable research, collaboration, program design, and policy advocacy to develop future-fit school leaders and, ultimately, influence sustainable education reform to create healthy, thriving and equitable learning ecosystems that benefit the learners of today and the future.
WISE Celebrates the Educational Leadership Community
Stawisha Instructional Leadership Institute
Partners for Possibility
More on Educational Leadership
Love in a Time of COVID-19 Snapshots from the Frontline: Interventions, Practices, and Rapid Responses
WISE Research and Reports on Educational Leadership
Collaborative Leadership for Transforming Education in Learning Ecosystems
Building on the previous two reports, “Education Reimagined: Leadership for a New Era” and “Education Reimagined: Leadership for Transformation”, this report presents and analyzes a set of case studies that demonstrate the new practices and approaches in a wide range of different contexts.
Education Reimagined: Leadership for Transformation
Our report introduces 23 brief case studies with lessons learned, research evidence and findings that showcase innovation in leadership, policy and practice on how emerging models teaching and learning can be developed and led from the inside-out—and demonstrate the power of distributed empowerment and transformative leadership.
Education Reimagined: Leadership for a New Era
ALL-IN seeks to increase the quantity of future-fit school leaders to support schools and systems in their transitions toward resilient and future-thriving learning environments that maximise learner outcomes and wellbeing, for a brighter, more equitable, and inclusive future for our children and our world.
Special Edition E-Book: Education Disrupted, Education Reimagined
Key stakeholders on education’s frontline during the crisis, including from schools, NGOs, governments, and international organizations, contributed over 40 articles and essays, documenting the experiences, struggles, successes, and innovations of key institutions on education’s frontline.
Educational Leadership: A Multilevel Distributed Perspective
Educational leadership research has long highlighted the roles and functions of school principals. More recently, research has investigated leadership activity and impact at different levels in and across schools – from classrooms to central agencies. At the same time, there is widespread agreement that the multiple contexts within which schools operate play a significant role in how leaders shape their practice to positively influence student learning.
Developing Agile Leaders of Learning: School leadership policy for dynamic times
School leadership policies are key to improving the quality of teaching and learning, which impacts student achievement and well being. While the development of principals remains a core component of leadership training, this report focuses on the under-explored area of how to develop leadership for learning capabilities across a broader range of educators – both those in formal leadership positions and teachers.
Creative Public Leadership: How School System Leaders Can Create the Conditions for System-wide Innovation
This report aims to support system leaders in defining the potential benefits and the key drivers of system innovation in public services, as well as to identify the conditions that promote and inhibit it. The report draws recommendations for globally applicable policies, tools, frameworks, and indices that could stimulate changes in practice.
ALL-IN Events and Activities

Education Reimagined: Leadership for a New Era
Salzburg Global and WISE joined together to examine what leadership is needed to continue to navigate this difficult time and what positive changes can be embedded in schools and education systems beyond the pandemic-induced crisis.
The fourth ALL-IN meeting in Doha had over 35 participants, many of them previous participants, as well as education experts and school leaders local to Qatar. The program discussed the vision for WISE in the area of school leadership development and the state of the school leadership development globally. Participants carried out two design challenges, the first was how to scale with quality and the second was how to better formulate and evaluate the impact of leadership programs on knowledge, skills and dispositions. The meeting concluded with a discussion on a blueprint for ALL-IN in 2020 it’s mission to build a collective movement.
The meeting concluded with the following next steps:
Objectives for the networking:
Sharing leadership practices around the network; and
Scaling up models and impact evaluations.
Five cases and the work and observations that have come out of the studies
Making connections between each other
ICSEI working group in January 2020 in Marrakech
WISE@Medellín – regional networking with Vicky Colbert
WISE’s new strategy – Educational Leadership Track is one of the areas of primary focus
WISE held the third working session for the Agile Leaders of Learning Innovation Network (ALL-IN) in Paris on February 20, 2019. The ALL-IN workshop in Paris was the largest gathering, with 42 people mainly comprising of leaders of school associations, leadership program providers, researchers and policy makers from 14 countries. The meeting included high profiles in the field such as Beatriz Pont, Senior Policy Analyst in the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills. Darleen V. Opfer, Vice President and Director of RAND Education, whom shared a recent school leadership intervention evaluation toolkit by RAND. As well as Anthony Mackay, CEO of the National Centre on Education and the Economy, and members of the International Education Leadership Centres Network.
As with the Accra and New York workshops, the meeting in Paris provided an opportunity for participants to share their insights, exchange knowledge and to network. The ALL-IN meeting was facilitated by Dr. Asmaa Al-Fadala, Director of Research at WISE and Dr. Simon Breakspear, CEO of Learn Labs Global. The Paris meeting consisted of four agendas:
- State of the field: Cross Country Learning
- Innovative Case Studies of Leadership Development
- Progressing the Agenda: Collaborative Working Groups
- Case Study Group Meeting
The ‘Innovative Case Studies of Leadership Development’ session included insightful presentations from academics and program providers in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong and Singapore. The last session of the meeting was the case study group meeting, this gave an opportunity for five researchers to coordinate with five leadership program providers whom were paired prior to the meeting. The researchers will conduct fieldwork by studying the programs, see what works and how others can learn from the successes of these programs. The Paris meeting allowed for the researchers to take suggestions from participants on what to consider and identify when studying the leadership programs. The five reports will be presented and discussed further at WISE 2019.
WISE held the second working session for the Agile Leaders of Learning Innovation Network (ALL-IN) in New York City on September 22, 2018. The ALL-IN workshop gathered 25 people from five continents, comprising of academics, experts, school association leaders and program providers who specialize in school leadership development.
The workshop provided an opportunity for the participants to share their unique experiences, exchange knowledge about their programs and discuss ways to address current challenges through innovative policies and practices to empower successful school leadership.
Some of the key takeaways of the New York session:
- The need to understand multiple perspectives of school leadership and explore best practices taking place around the world.
- Develop a better definition of leadership and consider competencies or standards for leadership quality.
- The need for a knowledge base of updated research on school leadership and making this accessible to a wide audience. Alternatively, an interactive reference of leadership models, examples and solutions.
- The importance of measuring impact and gaining data to develop a strong evidence base for effective policy implementation and change, particularly at the school and district level.
The ALL-IN Working Session aims to gather school leadership development organizations and school leader associations, especially from African countries, who are creating sustainable school leadership development programs in support of their school leaders.
Participants were able to share their key building blocks of leadership development, innovative practices, impact and current challenges. Through spirals of inquiry, they had the opportunity to evaluate their programs and co-design solutions, features and improved high-quality, high-scale models.
For more information please contact us at research@wise.org.qa
The fourth ALL-IN meeting in Doha had over 35 participants, many of them previous participants, as well as education experts and school leaders local to Qatar. The program discussed the vision for WISE in the area of school leadership development and the state of the school leadership development globally. Participants carried out two design challenges, the first was how to scale with quality and the second was how to better formulate and evaluate the impact of leadership programs on knowledge, skills and dispositions. The meeting concluded with a discussion on a blueprint for ALL-IN in 2020 it’s mission to build a collective movement.
The meeting concluded with the following next steps:
Objectives for the networking:
Sharing leadership practices around the network; and
Scaling up models and impact evaluations.
Five cases and the work and observations that have come out of the studies
Making connections between each other
ICSEI working group in January 2020 in Marrakech
WISE@Bogotá and Medellín, 2020; regional networking with Vicky Colbert
WISE’s new strategy – Educational Leadership Track is one of the areas of primary focus
WISE held the third working session for the Agile Leaders of Learning Innovation Network (ALL-IN) in Paris on February 20, 2019. The ALL-IN workshop in Paris was the largest gathering, with 42 people mainly comprising of leaders of school associations, leadership program providers, researchers and policy makers from 14 countries. The meeting included high profiles in the field such as Beatriz Pont, Senior Policy Analyst in the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills. Darleen V. Opfer, Vice President and Director of RAND Education, whom shared a recent school leadership intervention evaluation toolkit by RAND. As well as Anthony Mackay, CEO of the National Centre on Education and the Economy, and members of the International Education Leadership Centres Network.
As with the Accra and New York workshops, the meeting in Paris provided an opportunity for participants to share their insights, exchange knowledge and to network. The ALL-IN meeting was facilitated by Dr. Asmaa Al-Fadala, Director of Research at WISE and Dr. Simon Breakspear, CEO of Learn Labs Global. The Paris meeting consisted of four agendas:
- State of the field: Cross Country Learning
- Innovative Case Studies of Leadership Development
- Progressing the Agenda: Collaborative Working Groups
- Case Study Group Meeting
The ‘Innovative Case Studies of Leadership Development’ session included insightful presentations from academics and program providers in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong and Singapore. The last session of the meeting was the case study group meeting, this gave an opportunity for five researchers to coordinate with five leadership program providers whom were paired prior to the meeting. The researchers will conduct fieldwork by studying the programs, see what works and how others can learn from the successes of these programs. The Paris meeting allowed for the researchers to take suggestions from participants on what to consider and identify when studying the leadership programs. The five reports will be presented and discussed further at WISE 2019.
WISE held the second working session for the Agile Leaders of Learning Innovation Network (ALL-IN) in New York City on September 22, 2018. The ALL-IN workshop gathered 25 people from five continents, comprising of academics, experts, school association leaders and program providers who specialize in school leadership development.
The workshop provided an opportunity for the participants to share their unique experiences, exchange knowledge about their programs and discuss ways to address current challenges through innovative policies and practices to empower successful school leadership.
Some of the key takeaways of the New York session:
- The need to understand multiple perspectives of school leadership and explore best practices taking place around the world.
- Develop a better definition of leadership and consider competencies or standards for leadership quality.
- The need for a knowledge base of updated research on school leadership and making this accessible to a wide audience. Alternatively, an interactive reference of leadership models, examples and solutions.
- The importance of measuring impact and gaining data to develop a strong evidence base for effective policy implementation and change, particularly at the school and district level.
The ALL-IN Working Session aims to gather school leadership development organizations and school leader associations, especially from African countries, who are creating sustainable school leadership development programs in support of their school leaders.
Participants were able to share their key building blocks of leadership development, innovative practices, impact and current challenges. Through spirals of inquiry, they had the opportunity to evaluate their programs and co-design solutions, features and improved high-quality, high-scale models.
For more information please contact us at research@wise.org.qa
Community Resources
What do we know about effective leadership during COVID-19 and beyond? Read the new blog from EWI and EdDevTrust
Global School Leaders Report – A Review of Empirical Research on School Leadership in the Global South
UNESCO 2016 Report – Leading better learning: School leadership and quality in the Education 2030 agenda