ABC Zoom is a browser-based game aimed primarily at 11-16 year old students to bring back the fun in science learning. The core objective is to engage, via gameplay, with the fundamentals of charge and electromagnetic radiation, and gain a sense of their importance in the world around us.
The game is set in outer space and the player is given the challenge of investigating a disabled spacecraft. To find out what has happened, the player is required to fix the ship by ‘zooming’ into objects and the human body, as far as the atomic-level, to play the ‘mini-games’ based on scientific principles.
The way the science concepts have been represented in the game is unique, and was developed with the input of leaders in physical science in Australia. As a result of this, the scientific principles explored in the game have been confirmed by research-active scientific advisors. This game is exceptional as it is trying to introduce “toe in the water” game experience for teachers who may never have contemplated using a game or simulation in class with their students. The mini-games are simple but engaging enough to introduce very complex scientific concepts. As such, the game can then be referenced during classroom discussion and also during lab activities.
ABC Zoom is seen by many educators in Australia as an important tool for transforming practice of teachers engaging them into the world of games in education.