Steve Munby
Visiting Professor, University College London, Center for Education Leadership
United Kingdom

Steve Munby is Chief Executive of CfBT Education Trust, an organisation that operates in diverse environments around the world to transform lives by improving education. Working with governments at national and regional level to improve education systems and with school clusters to raise standards, Steve manages an internationally based workforce in India, the Middle East, South East Asia, Africa, the UK and many other localities. CfBT is a charity and its commitment is to sustainable, high quality self-improving education systems.
Steve began his career as a secondary school teacher in Birmingham, later moving to the north east of England where he worked as a teacher and then as a lecturer. In the late 1980s and the 1990s he worked in school improvement roles in Oldham and Blackburn. From 2000 to 2005 he was director of education in Knowsley, Merseyside with responsibility for 80 schools. Steve was Chief Executive of the National College for School Leadership from March 2005 to November 2012. As CEO, he had overall responsibility for the training and development of school principals in all 21,000 state maintained schools in England and also for the training and development of Directors of Children’s Services in all 150 Local Authorities. Whilst at the National College, Steve led the work on the identification and development of National Leaders of Education, the development of Teaching Schools in England and the review of the National Professional Qualification for Headship.