Niveen Reza
Acting Manager, BRAC Education Programme, BRAC

Niveen is a pedagogic designer with experience of designing curriculum, educational contents and learning materials embedding 21st century skills that provide children with opportunities to foster and hone such skills that they essentially require to thrive in today’s world. She holds an MSc in Educational Sciences; Learning in Interaction from the University of Groningen, Netherlands -where she received full scholarship under Eric Bleumink Talent Grant. Prior to that, she obtained a Master of Education at the University of Dhaka as a truly excellent student.
Niveen is working as an Acting Manager (Content, Quality and Training) at BRAC, the largest development organisation in the world where she is leading the design and development of a unique subject ‘World Studies’. This covers the areas of health education, values, environment and sustainability, skills, diversity and inclusivity and social education. This aims at inculcating values, behaviors, respect and sense of responsibility among the children.
She is also leading Project-Based Learning (PBL) an initiative of BRAC Education Programme to address learning loss of the children. This initiative incorporates learner-centered approach which includes learning by doing, group-based activities and real life problem solving skills. This approach will soon be implemented across 2700 schools of BRAC. Besides this, she had been involved in several educational initiatives and research projects during her work in Bangladesh and Netherlands.