Tamara Steen
Program Coordinator, IMC Weekend School
The Netherlands
Tamara Steen (29) is an optimistic, creative spirit who likes to connect individuals and groups. Trained as a cultural anthropologist, she approaches social issues from different perspectives and maps them out in a nuanced way. She did so in Guatemala when she researched livelihood strategies of resettled refugees and in her hometown Utrecht where she worked with refused asylum seekers.
In 2014, she started working as a fundraiser at IMC Weekend School, a supplementary school for children (aged 10-14) from underprivileged neighborhoods. Immediately, she was struck by the energy of the IMC Alumni network. Soon she combined fundraising and program coordination. Moreover, she participated in the Meridian Social Innovation Fellowship, to work on the implementation of an online community for alumni.
In her current role as program coordinator IMC Alumni, she provides youngsters from underprivileged neighborhoods with the knowledge, skills and audacity that they need to become engaged members of society who reach their potential. Among other things, she leads the yearly ambassador training program and organizes several (international) programs for alumni in cooperation with other organizations.