Sonia Dubourg-Lavroff
Director of European and International Relations and Cooperation, Director of BBC World Service Trust
Since May 2009, Sonia Dubourg-Lavroff, Doctor in public law and a University of Bordeaux politics graduate, has occupied the role of Director of European and international relations and cooperation at the French Ministry of national education, youth and the voluntary sector and the French Ministry of higher education and research.
Between 2003 and 2009, she directed the European agency, “Europe-Education-Formation-France” from Bordeaux and was responsible for managing, for France, Europe’s Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), which encompasses the Erasmus, Comenius, Grundtvig and Leonardo Da Vinci programmes and the Transversal programme.
Associate professor at Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV Law School since 1989, director and founder of the University of Bordeaux Centre (PRES), advisor to the dean of Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV on European and international policy in 2003, she has also been a director of Centre Inffo, a body that specialises in providing information on professional training and apprenticeships, the Alliance française, Victor Ségualen-Bordeaux 2 University and Bordeaux Management School. She has written several university research papers on French public law and comparative law (“Droits et libertés en Grande Bretagne et en France” – “Rights and freedoms in Great Britain and France”, “L’expression des croyances religieuses à l’école en Grande Bretagne et en France” – “The expression of religious beliefs at school in Great Britain and France”, “Les régimes électoraux des pays de l’Union Européenne, les secondes chambres françaises” – “The electoral regimes of European Union countries, France’s second chambers”) and articles on French and British law.