Abner Septembre

Coordinator and Co-Founder of Association of Townspeople of Vallue


Abner Septembre is a Haitian citizen. He has a Master’s degree in the Sociology of Development from the University of Ottawa and a Bachelor’s degree in African, Afro-American and Caribbean Studies from the State University of Haiti. He has also studied: Project Design for Community Development at the University of California at Davis; Pre-Columbus Archeology at the Centro de Bienes Muebles in Panama; and Political War Strategy at Fu Shin Kang in Taiwan.

Mr. Septembre is an expert in community development and has worked for over 30 years in the sector, including 25 years with the Association of Peasants of Vallue (APV). He has helped to provide services and technical assistance to 5,000 farmers and families in different areas, such as education, health, the environment, agro-business, handcrafts, agriculture, road infrastructure as well as sanitation, drinking water, housing, communication, community organization, tourism and exhibition events like Mountain Fair.

Mr. Septembre is also a professional businessman. He owns an eco-mountain hotel called Hôtel Villa Ban-Yen located in Vallue, 62 km from Port-au-Prince (www.vallue.org). This is a citizen enterprise, contributing to the environment and social engagement, particularly in education, youth training, sport and spare-time activities, etc.

Mr. Septembre is Founder of the Eco-Mountain Organization (Chantier Eco-Montagne), an ecological movement that promotes an innovative approach to sustainable mountain development, both socio-economically and environmentally. Mr. September is a member of different social networks. He shares his experiences and works as a university teacher and as a speaker in national and international symposiums, in Haiti and overseas.