Tiimiakatemia, the Teamentrepreneurship Unit

About the Project

Tiimiakatemia was established in 1993 and it is known as a top unit of team entrepreneurship. The program is a degree program and it’s length is 3.5 years. 

Tiimiakatemia students are called as teamentrepreneurs. The number of team entrepreneurs is about 180 and the team companies are coached by team coaches. Team coaches have business background and in addition to that they have performed the pedagogical studies.180 team entrepreneurs are coached by five full time team coaches. Tiimiakatemia is part of JAMK University of applied sciences.

The learners are BBA students who want to learn by doing things in practice. Theory studies are connected with practical customer projects and the theory is implemented into the practice. You find and read theory for the need. The age of the learners is between 19-32 years and the average age is 22. 


April 24, 2019 (last update 09-10-2019)