Micro:bit Educational Foundation

About the Project

This project is one of the 2019 WISE Awards winners.



The Micro: bit Educational Foundation is a not for profit organization, established with the support of other founding members in September 2016. The Foundation is UK-based and redistributes the bulk of any surplus money generated into providing free devices to exceptional micro: bit educational programs across the globe, producing free classroom resources and keeping the micro: bit as low cost as possible.

Context and Issue

Our vision is to inspire every child to create their best digital future and bring the maker movement into the classroom. This ability to provide project-based learning and context has broadened participation and shown that digital creativity and coding is for all, having real impact on girls and those from under-represented groups.

Solution and Impact

The BBC micro: bit is an accessible and affordable device – helping children and students around the world learn how to design, create, code and program. We have a variety of software editors, hardware accessories and instructional materials for a wide range of subjects. We work with partners (governments, national broadcasters, commercial organizations, 3rd sector organizations, educators) globally to provide access to entry level technology but with a high ceiling so that children can develop mastery of complex principles using the device. Micro: bit’s development is backed by academic research.

  • 90% of students said – the micro: bit showed them that anyone can code
  • 86% said micro: bit made Computer Science more interesting
  • 70% more girls said they would choose Computing as a school subject after using the micro: bit
  • 85% of teachers agree micro: bit made ICT/Computer Science more enjoyable students.
  • Half of teachers who’ve used the micro: bit say they feel more confident as a teacher, particularly those who are not confident in teaching Computing.

Future Developments

Our future development involves building and supporting more communities of educators and partners to continue to remove the barriers to learning digital skills.

July 22, 2019 (last update 12-25-2020)