Mr. John B. Mahaffie
Co-Founder and Principal of Leading Futurists LLC
United States of America

John is a futurist who speaks, writes, and consults with organizations on how to understand and succeed as society and the world change.
John has been a speaker and consultant on the future since 1987. He has authored over three dozen futures studies for corporations, government agencies, and nonprofit groups. He is an author and speaker on consumers, work and work life, lifestyles, the future of science and technology, global economic change, the environment, transportation and infrastructure, health and medicine, telecommunications, and other futures topics.
John has also co-led comprehensive multi-sponsor explorations of the future of multiple topics, including trends shaping work and work life, lifestyles in the 21stcentury, and consumer product packaging. His focus is on social and marketplace change, driven by technology, values, economics, culture, and innovation.
John co-authored 2025: Scenarios of U.S. and Global Society Reshaped by Science and Technology (Oakhill, 1997) with Joe Coates and Andy Hines. Other books includeFrom Scan to Plan: Integrating Trends into the Strategy Making Process (ASAE 2003), Future Work (Jossey Bass, 1990), Managing Your Future as an Association(ASAE, 1994), and The Future of the Apartment Industry (NMHC, 1995).
John is a Co-Founder and past Board Chair of the Association of Professional Futurists. He authors a blog on foresight, John trained as an archeologist, but honed his futures skills by working with business, government, and association executives to find successful futures for their organizations.