S&H Skills Project

About the Project

The S&H (Soft and Hard) Skills Project aims to contribute to the construction and development of a relevant engineering education proposal that is adapted to the current reality. In summary, the subjects involved in the project need to work in teams, taking into account the levels and learning styles of students, but also the materials and resources for teaching and learning. This is why its impact in this region promotes educational transformation beyond the province, meeting the needs of Panama. To date, more than 250 local students have benefited from the project and expectations are growing nationwide. Higher education institutions are concerned with training their students in specific skills, but very little is done in terms of transversal or generic skills. One of the main strengths of the S&H Skills Project is that it emphasizes the building of both skills. 

One source of motivation is the fact that students “own” the process and participate enthusiastically in performing the assigned tasks. One of the major difficulties of teamwork is human relations, where social values and principles often create situations of inequality. The project has minimized this difficulty by promoting collaborative learning.


April 24, 2019 (last update 01-10-2021)